Moving Back to Canada: A Guide To Repatriating To Canada

There are so many numerous benefits here to encourage your moving back to Canada. From a system definitely worth trusting, freedom to explore different beliefs, safety, closeness to family and revisiting old friends, there are so many reasons why people today are repatriating to Canada.



However, you may be faced with a few challenges when moving back to Canada, especially when your move back is being associated with starting a new life, which can be somewhat daunting.

This has to do with deciding on:

  • What to take with you back to Canada?
  • How to ship your personal belongings back to Canada?
  • What to do when you finally get back to Canada?
  • And lots more…

Canada is in every way, one of the best places to live in the world today, and moving back to Canada gives you so many additional benefits to gain than the task involved, but knowing the best time to move back to Canada just goes to make the entire process easy for you.

Why are People Consistently Moving Back to Canada?

The following are reasons why people today are repatriating to Canada:

  1. Termination in work or overseas contract.
  2. A change in the work environment by your employer.
  3. To live that amazing Canadian lifestyle once again.
  4. Family and friends back at home to return to.
  5. To raise up kids in a Canadian context.
  6. To take care of an elderly parent.
  7. To have access to the Canadian public health care system.
  8. To help deal with a relationship breakup, some people may decide to step back a bit, retreat, and get themselves back in order in Canada.
  9. Generally just tired of living abroad.

But basically, these nine (9) common reasons why people repatriate to Canada can be summed up to the following five (5) profiles of people moving back to Canada:

  • Ultra-organized movers
  • Family movers
  • Career nomads
  • Health-related movers
  • A shot in the dark

These can be broken down thus:

#1: Ultra-organized Movers

An ultra-organized mover is a person (or couple) that knows all the nitty-gritty about their move back to Canada. That is, their entire move is well planned, and in turn, they get what they want.

The ultra-organized set of persons moving back to Canada is usually very happy at the end of their move, and they live a well-settled life in Canada as a result of creating the desired kind of lifestyle that they wanted.

#2: Family Movers

Sometimes, the hope for a better life for your kids may instigate your move back to Canada. This is even one of the many reasons why people today are moving to Canada from the United States.

And not just for the kids in general though, this also applies to families moving back to Canada from around the world, specifically from countries that are currently in a state of unrest.

#3: Career Nomads

There are some people whose jobs won’t let them stay in a place for a long time; we like to refer to these people as career nomads. But still, it all boils down to opportunity and timing…

When life presents you with an opportunity that happens to come at the right time, moving back to Canada might just be the best alternative for you.

For this set of people, the major challenge you’ll face when moving back to Canada are symptoms that come with adjustment; that is, the reverse culture shock!

#4: Health-related Movers

Due to certain health issues, one may be forced to move back to Canada. This can be attributed to the amazing public healthcare sector housed by the country; but note that, you may be denied access back to Canada if your health issues pose a major threat to the health of other inhabitants of the country.

#5: A Shot in the Dark

This particular profile refers to persons that are currently pushing away from something.

This could be as a result of the fear for their lives in their current country, the pains from a divorce or relationship breakup, the death of a spouse, loss of job, and so many other factors.

This group of persons considers Canada as a “safe haven”, that is, the best place to retreat, heal, and re-build from what they’ve lost.

Best Steps to Take when Moving Back to Canada

It’s always best to start preparing for your move back to Canada, 18 months prior to your country. Thus, the following steps should be taken when repatriating to Canada:

  1. Ensure that both you and any other accompanying family member are allowed to live and work legally in Canada.
  2. Start applying to have access to your Canadian tax information online, and other respective governmental benefits.
  3. Choose a place to settle in Canada.
  4. Prepare your finances.
  5. Purchase your Canadian residence (real estate).
  6. Describe what Canada looks like to your kids to prep them for the move.
  7. Ensure that your kids have been properly vaccinated as this may be required by some public schools within the country.
  8. Do a background criminal record check on yourself and on all respective accompanying travelers, then proceed to get your certificate of good conduct or a police clearance for your travel.
  9. Inquire to know how people from your country move their household belongings back to Canada, then proceed to book your shipping company. This also includes getting your BSF186 form which is basically your Canadian “goods to follow” list, indicating which of your goods will be arriving in Canada at a later date.
  10. Start making moves for job offers in Canada.
  11. Begin connecting with other Canadian residents via the various Canada immigration discussion forums online.
  12. Get a driver’s license. This also includes getting a letting from your driver’s licensing authority in the country you are currently residing in that shows your driver’s license history – this includes your current class of license, driving records, and the length of time of your license.
  13. Get all your health records ready and organized.
  14. Transfer your e-mail account to a Canadian or internationally-based ISP (Internet Service Provider).
  15. And finally, pack for your move back to Canada.


Moving back to Canada shouldn’t be a stressful and daunting task. Since you’ve already gained access to the country before, you’ve already done like 90% of the basic requirements for your immigration.

But the major thing to note here’s that, to avoid that ping-pong effect of traveling back and forth to Canada, do ensure that the reasons for your repatriating are pretty clear.

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