How to Obtain a Certificate of Qualification from a Canadian Province

The process of learning how to obtain a Certificate of Qualification from a Canadian province plays a very important part in, not only allowing you to establish a business in Canada but also helping you show proof that you are qualified to work in a skilled trade in Canada.

Establishing a business in Canada is not as easy as it is in some counties.

You’ll need to prove that you’re going to render quality services to Canadian citizens by obtaining what is termed as a  “certificate of qualification”.


A Certificate of Qualification is a document that proves that you are qualified to work in a certain skilled trade in Canada; It is issued by the body that governs trades in a Canadian province or territory or by a federal authority.

When learning how to obtain a Certificate of Qualification from a Canadian province, you first have to pass a certification exam and meet all the requirements to practice your trade in the province or territory where you wish to establish your business.

Basic Requirements to be eligible for Issuance of a Certificate of Qualification in a Canadian Province

This includes:

  1. Language ability test
  2. Work experience
  3. Educational qualification
  4. Proof of responsibility
  5. Admissibility

These are further broken down thus:

#1: Language ability test

You must be proficient in the following set of language skills:

  • Writing
  • Reading
  • Listening
  • Speaking

#2: Work experience

You must have at least 2 years of full-time work experience (or an equal amount of part-time work experience) in a skilled trade before you apply.

Note that, more years of work experience can earn you more points when trying to obtain a Certificate of Qualification from a Canadian province.

#3: Educational qualification

Now, since the Canadian Certificate of Qualification has more to do with entrepreneurs, there are no strict educational requirements to qualify for the certificate.

However, you can earn yourself more chances of winning this certificate if you have either a diploma from a high school in Canada or a diploma from any other foreign high school that operates on similar educational standards as Canada.

#4: Proof of Responsibility

You must be able to give proof of fund that shows that you have enough money to fund you and any dependent family member in Canada or that you are currently able to work legally in Canada or/and have a valid paid-job offer from an employer in Canada with which you intend to use to fund yourself.

#5: Admissibility

On arrival to Canada, Canadian border security agents will have to access your immigration history. Thus giving them insights on whether or not you’ve stayed in prison or committed any prior crime worthy of deportation in the past.

To avoid this, you must make sure you clear all your bad reports in the past before applying.

How to Obtain a Certificate of Qualification from a Canadian Province

Canada is made up of thirteen (13) provinces and because of how independent all its provinces are, the process of obtaining a Certificate of Qualification from a Canadian province slightly varies among the individual Canadian provinces.

The following steps will show you how to obtain a Certificate of Qualification from a Canadian province:

  1. Make a choice of which province you wish to reside in by ensuring that your line of trade is accepted by that province. This is because, every province in Canada has a list of accepted trade categories and would not admit any type of trade that’s outside their stipulations.
  2. Review and ensure you meet the basic requirements as listed above.
  3. Before applying, make sure that you have attained the required minimum number of verifiable months or hours of related work experience.
  4. Complete a language competency assessment. You’ll have to go through some form of assessment based on certain criteria.
  5. Complete the required exam(s).Basically, after the assessment, you’ll need to write an exam whose results will be used for your final assessment.

For any of the above applications, ensure you do the following:

  1. Provide your correct and legal full name and contact information. This means your name has to be in the required format and be error-free as there may be no room for changes in the future.
  2. If you’re not currently residing in Canada, please ensure your full name is the same as what is on your national passport.
  3. Provide accurate and sincere answers to the questions in the application form.
  4. Make sure all documents are in English.
  5. Quickly respond to any requests from the body in charge of certificate issuance for additional information.
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