How to Use the GTS to become a Permanent Resident in Canada

Learning how to use the GTS to become a permanent resident in Canada is a crucial step to take when immigrating to work in Canada.


A GTS (Global Talent Stream) which is a Canadian immigration program was introduced as a result of a partnership between the IRCC (Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada) and the ESDC (Employment and Social Development Canada). The program was initiated as a means to meet the increased demand for jobs in Canada.

How Does GTS Work in Canada?

As discussed earlier, GTS (Global Talent Stream) is a Canadian-initiated immigration program developed to assist recruiters and hiring managers in Canada in the process of hiring the necessary skilled labor from around the world needed to keep their production process going, while there are not enough skilled workers in Canad to fill in for their labor gap.

The Canadian government is constantly making efforts to come up with effective ways to attract skilled immigrants to fill in the labor gaps in the country. The Global Talent Stream (GTS) program was introduced in June 2017 to operate in Canada as a two-year pilot program, but presently, it seems like the GTS program is here to stay.

The GTS program is one of the streams in Canada’s Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP) that lets you (the foreign skilled worker) get a temporary work permit to be licensed to work in any specialized company in Canada for a designated period of time after which, you’ll be required to go back to your home country.

This program is part of Canada’s Global Skills Strategy to cater to the economic needs of the country. Stats released in June 2019 reveals that a rough number of 40,000 foreign immigrants had come into Canada within two years into the GTS (Global Talent Stream).

The main features of the Global Talent Stream Canada’s program include:

  • A Canadian initiative that is dedicated to help hiring managers and recruiters to create jobs in Canada
  • You won’t necessarily need to get a work permit as a highly skilled worker
  • You will be given a 30 day or less temporary work permit within a 12-month period
  • The program involves a transfer of skillset from you to your Canadian counterpart(s).

Learning how to use the GTS to become a permanent resident in Canada goes a long way to reduce your visa processing time from six months down to only ten business working days, thus giving you a quick response to your application request.

Thus, applying to be enrolled in Canada’s Global Talent Stream program will help you to get your Canadian work permit and visa applications to be processed much faster.

How to Use the GTS to become a Permanent Resident in Canada

The process of learning how to use the GTS to become a permanent resident in Canada involves the following steps:

  1. Apply to get enrolled as a foreign worker for the Global Talent Stream (GTS)
  2. Find a job listed under the Global Talent Stream
  3. Use your GTS to become a permanent resident in Canada

These are further broken down thus:

Step #1: Apply to Get Enrolled as a Foreign Worker for the Global Talent Stream (GTS)

The first step to learning how to use the GTS to become a permanent resident in Canada involves actually applying to get enrolled as a foreign worker for the Global Talent Stream program.

Canada’s Global Talent Stream is divided into two basic categories:

Category A

Category A GTS-rated companies are those that are able to validate their requirement for foreign skilled talents. These are majorly big brands and companies in Canada. Category A GTS-rated companies in Canada are validated by designated referral partners to utilize the GTS program.

Category A GTS-rated companies in Canada must provide a yearly salary of $80,000 CAD to foreign workers for the first two applications while follow-up applications do require an annual salary of $1,050,000 CAD.

In order to qualify for the Category A GTS program as a unique and specialized talent, you must be able to show how advanced you are in a particular industry, alongside your advanced level of education attained in that same industry, coupled with at least 5 years of experience.

Category B

All other companies that are looking to hire highly skilled foreign workers on the GTS program list fall under this category. This category of GTS entails high-demand skills that are really quite scarce among the local community in Canada.

Popular professions attached to this GTS category include:

  • Computer engineers
  • IT analysts
  • Software engineers
  • Digital media professionals
  • And lots more

The list for Category B GTS immigrants is updated based on the changing labor and skill requirements in Canada. Also, the salary requirements to pay foreign workers for this category aren’t constant, and all depend on prevailing conditions within the country.

Note that, you can not apply to get enrolled in the GTS program directly as a foreign worker, rather, you can get a job in Canada that’s currently listed amongst one of the above Global Talent Stream categories.

Step #2: Find a Job Listed Under the Global Talent Stream

Securing a job in Canada that is listed under the Global Talent Stream, you will need to go through different Job Boards within Canada. We strongly recommend that you look up the Job Bank database by the Canadian government.

On finally securing a job listed under the GTS, your recruiting manager will then be required to send out an application that includes all your necessary details, and if your manager’s application request is a success, then they’d get a positive LMIA (Labour Market Impact Assessment) response. It is with this LMIA that you will be able to use it in applying for your Canadian work permit.

Once this final process is completed and you’ve gotten your work permit, you can then proceed to book your flight to Canada to start your new job.

Step #3: Use Your GTS to Become a Permanent Resident in Canada

The final step involves finally being able to learn how to use the GTS to become a permanent resident in Canada.

The total maximum employment time for foreign workers recruited under the GTS scheme is two years, after which, they can proceed to apply for their Canadian permanent residency.

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