11 Cheapest Universities in Canada for International Student

You can find some of the best cheapest universities in Canada for international students. Basically, most people view Canada as the best place to study for free, but still, it all depends on your choice of university to study in within the country.


That being said, if you wish to study in Canada whilst on a tight budget, then you’ve come to the right place. We will be providing you with a recent update on the best and cheapest universities in Canada to study for international students.

Why Should I Study in Canada?

Apart from being one of the cheapest places to get a degree in the world, the following are some other benefits of studying in Canada:

  1. Canada is multicultural, meaning that it is open to any type of ethnic group around the world, and being multicultural, you as someone looking to school in Canada, you will never be discriminated for who you are, and all your respective beliefs. The country is democratic and protects the rights of all its people.
  2. It is way more easy to get permanent citizenship in Canada than anywhere else in the world.
  3. Canada is a land of numerous opportunities, which is why it is the best choice for many international students today.
  4. As a student in Canada, you have the freedom of working while schooling, giving you the privilege of gaining more work experience to secure even better job roles when you graduate, and as well, help you in managing your finances the best way.
  5. There are countless number of job opportunities avalaible for graduates in Canada.
  6. Whatever degree you attain in Canadian universities is recognized anywhere else in the world.
  7. There are also many scholarship opportunities available for international students in Canada.
  8. Low cost in health care.

As someone studying in Canada, you’ll need a really serene, peaceful, and quiet environment to do all your studies in, and Canada is definitely built for that. You can also engage with the many cultural festivals that go on once in a while in Canada, making your stay in Canada fun and exciting.

But even with the many scholarship opportunities available in the country, you’ll do yourself a good job by leveraging the many cheap and quality universities in Canada.

11 Cheapest Universities in Canada for International Students

Below are 11 of the cheapest universities in Canada for international students. You can always copy these university names and search on Google to confirm.

  1. University of Montreal
  2. Memorial University of Newfoundland
  3. University of Regina
  4. University of the People
  5. University of Calgary
  6. Bradon University
  7. Canadian Mennonite University
  8. University of Saskatchewan
  9. Universite de Saint-Boniface
  10. Simon Fraser University
  11. University of Guelph

These are further grouped by:

  • Cheapest universities in Canada for undergraduate international students
  • Cheapest universities in Canada for international students looking to undertake a Master’s degree study program

They are further broken down thus:

#1: Cheapest Universities in Canada for Undergraduate International Students

The following are the cheapest universities in Canada for undergraduate international students:

University of the People No tuition fee
Simon Fraser University $7,203
Universite de Saint-Boniface $7,428
University of Guelph $9,730
Canadian Mennonite University $10,003
Memorial University of Newfoundland $11,460
University of Montreal $15,019

#2: Cheapest Universities in Canada for International Students Looking to Undertake a Master’s Degree Study Program

The following are the cheapest universities in Canada for international students looking to undertake a Master’s degree study program:

Memorial University of Newfoundland $3,222
University of Northern British Columbia $3,297
Simon Fraser University $3,743
University of Calgary $3,693
University of Saskatchewan $4,358
University of Regina $6,427

Cost of Living for International Students in Canada

The cost of living for international students in Canada is very affordable when compared with other countries.

Canada’s basic cost of living for international students varies based on the location of the university that you are studying in Canada. However, you’re required by the Canadian government as an international student looking to study in Canada to provide proof of having up to $10,000 CAD on top of your normal tuition fee. This is part of what will be required to be submitted when applying for your Canada study permit.

You are thus expected to be able to cater for your tuition fees with an addition of $10,000 to cover your other expenses in Canada.

How to Study in Canada for Free for Foreign Students?

Yes, it is possible for international students to study in Canada for free. This can be achieved by leveraging the many scholarship opportunities that are available for students both within and outside the country.

There are a lot of scholarship opportunities available for foreign students in Canada, both for undergraduate levels and graduate degrees. Most of these scholarships in Canada come from the Canadian government and other related higher institutions to help in assisting international students like you in gaining the necessary quality education that you need for free.

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